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Labctl serve reference

Start the web server

The Config Engine UI can be started with the labctl serve command.

Once the server is started you should be able to open the suggested URLs with your browser

$ labctl serve -t topo.clab.yaml -p ./ --addr :8080
INFO[0000] Parsing & checking topology file: topo.clab.yaml
INFO[0000] Access the web server on http://localhost:8080 or

CLI commands

labctl serve --help
Usage: labctl serve

Serve the web UI.

  -h, --help                                 Show context-sensitive help.

  -t, --topo=STRING                          Topology file
  -p, --template-paths=TEMPLATE-PATHS,...    Paths to search for templates
      --addr=":8080"                         Serve on addr.

Global Flags
  -d, --debug=INT          Enable debug mode.
      --settings=STRING    Settings yaml file.

CLI Flags

The following flags are available for the config commands

--topo-tthe topology file
--template-paths-ppaths to search for templates (in order)
--debug-ddebug count, i.e. -d, -ddd or --debug=3
--settingsSettings file