Template Examples
String manupilation
The following examples perform the same function. They extract a number from the string name of the router.
The templates marked with asterisk (*) are not ideal, since it assumes you know if the numeric part of the router is one or more digits.
{{ "PE9" | slice 2 0 }}
{{ "PE12" | slice 2 0 }}
*{{ "PE9" | slice -1 0 }}
*{{ "PE12" | slice -2 0 }}
*{{ "PE9" | index -1 | printf "%c" }}
{{ "PE9" | split "PE" | index -1 }}
{{ "R9" | split "R" | index -1 }}
{{ "PE12" | split "PE" | index -1 }}
{{ "PE12" | strings.ReplaceAll "PE" "" }}
{{ "PE8" | strings.ReplaceAll "PE" "" }}